Go pro for life

Pay once, and get access to all premium videos and articles. Forever.

On top of my free YouTube content, I offer premium content for those who want to learn even more. No subscriptions, only a one-time payment for lifetime access to all premium content.

Perfect use of your learning budget!

  • Lifetime access to our Discord server
  • Invoice for easy reimbursement with your learning budget
  • Access to premium videos, articles, and courses - Framer Motion course out NOW!
  • Source code of all videos and articles
  • Monthly group Q&A sessions
Create an account to join

Over 170 developers are already in!

€499,- €149,-

One time payment, lifetime access.

Early bird pricing

The first modules of the Framer Motion course are out NOW!

Joining today locks in lifetime access to all content for €149, and helps me put out these videos faster. Thank you so much! I really appreciate you!

Why go PRO?

While the YouTube channel offers fantastic free content, the PRO membership takes learning to a whole new level. No monthly subscriptions: with just one payment, you'll have lifetime access to an ever-growing library of premium materials, making it the perfect investment for your learning budget! And don't forget about the Discord access you get as well!

What's included?

As we're currently in the early access phase, we're offering a special deal to early adopters like you! By joining now, you'll enjoy a nice discount and become part of our exclusive Pro community from the start.

To kick things off, we've already added three amazing PRO videos to complement our Framer Motion Masks video . These in-depth videos delve into topics that go far beyond what we can cover on our YouTube channel.

What can you expect?

We're still working on the exact roadmap – something you have influence on as a member too! Here's a sneak peek at what we have planned (might change):

  • Framer Motion course: Starting at the basics, preparing you to build the advanced stuff! First modules out now!

  • TailwindCSS course (soon): Let's start from scratch, and build an app together, touching on everything Taildwind.
  • TypeScript course (soon): Explore the value of TypeScript and learn how to implement it effectively in your projects.
  • Exciting Rebuild Projects: Be prepared for more amazing rebuilds like my Rebuilding Linear or Rebuilding series !
  • ... and so much more!

The Pro Membership is your gateway to stay at the forefront of frontend development. So, join us today, and embark on an enriching learning journey that will propel your skills to new heights!

Remember, once you're in, you're in for life - no more barriers to accessing premium content. Don't miss this chance to invest in your future and become part of our exclusive Pro community!

I'm ready to join!